Happy Goats. A simple and easy to use web app to help sheep and goat farmers succeed in their business.
Happy Goats is super simple and easy to use decision support app for goats & sheep farmers. The app helps farmers make management planning decisions by running different what-if scenarios for the future. It takes into account the herd size, costs & income, production and work and in return calculates critical information such as energy calculations, projected milk production, the effect of different feed practices, subsidies and profitability.
It's the only online tool of its kind worldwide and aspires to become the standard digital tool for livestock farms in Greece and internationally.
Right now, the Lab of Animal Husbandry of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Integrated ITDC are conducting user trials to validate the prototype app and prepare the upcoming full-feature release. The trials began in Amalthia Farm in Florina, in northern Greece and will continue until summer in Greece and Austria.
What to learn more? Watch the explainer video here (English-only):